


The script can also remap any key to act like any other key. Many people remap it to act like a third shift key, but you can use any key you wish. If you turn off the caps lock key, you can remap it to act like another key. You can use any letter key in place of the “Q” and any symbol you would like in place of the trademark symbol. Here are other keys that you can use for this script: See below for an example of this script where you press Alt + Q to insert the trademark symbol. This will be a handy script if you use any special characters for other languages or even mathematical symbols. However, many useful special characters are buried within your Windows system. The most commonly used special characters are already on your keyboard.


Remember to change the F key designation and add the application pathway.į4::Run “C:\Program Files\Open\Program.exe” See below for the AutoHotkey script for the function keys.


Many users will remap these keys to launch the applications they use most.
